Home Excel - Dicas Microsoft Excel VBA Excel VBA - Comentarios Excel planilha comentario macro insere indicador comentario azul

Excel planilha comentario macro insere indicador comentario azul

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Caro E_Marcondes, sou programador e preciso de uma macro, que insere um triângulo azul no lugar do indicador(vermelho) do comentário,
eu tinha mas acabei perdendo, se você tiver, será que poderia me enviar, obrigado. Reginaldo
Sim tenho sim, junto à minha coleção de 15.000 macros achei, na verdade é uma macro servida de uma função:
Cor do triângulo do indicador do comentário em azul

'Option Explicit

Sub Criar_triangulo_indicador_comentario()
vCriarIndicador vbBlue, "EPM"
End Sub

Public Function vCriarIndicador(CommentIndicatorColor As Long, _
CommentIndicatorName As String) As Boolean
Dim IDnumber As Long
Dim aCell As Range
Dim aComment As Comment
Dim aShape As Shape
Dim aWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim aWorkbook As Workbook

vCriarIndicador = False

If CommentIndicatorName = vbNullString Then GoTo ExitFunction
On Error GoTo ExitFunction
Set aWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook

IDnumber = 0
'loop through all wprksheets in the active workbook and all comments
'in each worksheet and create the comment shapes

For Each aWorksheet In aWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each aShape In aWorksheet.Shapes
If Left(aShape.Name, Len(CommentIndicatorName)) = _
CommentIndicatorName Then
End If
Next aShape

For Each aComment In aWorksheet.Comments

Set aCell = aComment.Parent

If InStr(1, aComment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Text, ":") > 0 Then
If Left(aComment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Text, InStr(1, aComment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Text, ":") - 1) = Application.UserName Then

GoSub CreateCommentIndicator

End If
End If
Next aComment
Next aWorksheet

vCriarIndicador = True

On Error GoTo 0
Set aCell = Nothing
Set aComment = Nothing
Set aShape = Nothing
Set aWorksheet = Nothing
Set aWorkbook = Nothing
Exit Function


Set aShape = aWorksheet.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRightTriangle, _
Left:=aCell.Left + aCell.Width - 5, _
Top:=aCell.Top, _
Width:=5, _
IDnumber = IDnumber + 1
With aShape
.Name = CommentIndicatorName & CStr(IDnumber)
.IncrementRotation -180#
.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = CommentIndicatorColor
.Line.Visible = msoTrue
.Line.Weight = 1
.Line.Style = msoLineSingle
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSolid
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = CommentIndicatorColor
.Placement = xlMove
End With
End Function

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Última atualização em Qua, 10 de Agosto de 2011 08:21  

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