Saberexcel - o site das macros
Esta macro do Aplicativo Microsoft Excel VBA, lista todos os arquivos em "C:\" - exemplos para montar planilhas excel
Sub Lista_todos_arquivos_C()
Lister 1, "c:\"
End Sub
'* nRow = Linha inicial
'* FolderName = Chemin du répertoire à lister
'* Suffix = Filtre optionnel des types de fichiers
'* SubDir = True pour étendre la liste aux sous-répertoires
Sub Lister(nRow&, FolderName$, Optional Suffix$ = "*.*", _
Optional SubDir As Boolean = True)
Dim i As Long, x As Long, File As String, Folder As String, nbFolders() As String
Cells(nRow, 1) = FolderName
Cells(nRow, 1).Font.Bold = True
nRow = nRow + 1
If Not Right(FolderName, 1) = " \ " Then FolderName = FolderName & " \ "
File = Dir(FolderName & Suffix)
Do While Len(File) > 0
Cells(nRow, 1) = FolderName & File
Cells(nRow, 2) = FileLen(FolderName & File)
Cells(nRow, 3) = FileDateTime(FolderName & File)
nRow = nRow + 1: File = Dir
If Not SubDir Then Exit Sub
x = 0: Folder = Dir(FolderName, vbDirectory)
Do While Folder > ""
If Folder <> "." And Folder <> ".." Then
If (GetAttr(FolderName & Folder) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then x = x + 1
End If
Folder = Dir
ReDim nbFolders(x + 1): i = 1
nbFolders(i) = Dir(FolderName, vbDirectory)
Do While nbFolders(i) > ""
If nbFolders(i) <> "." And nbFolders(i) <> ".." Then
If (GetAttr(FolderName & nbFolders(i)) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then i = i + 1
End If
nbFolders(i) = Dir
For i = 1 To UBound(nbFolders()) - 1
Call Lister(nRow, FolderName & nbFolders(i), Suffix)
End Sub
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